DC Animated Universe

The Ultimen

The Ultimen were created by Project Cadmus to have a team of superheroes loyal to the United States government.

The Ultimen were unstable clones who began to question their existence, and rebelled when they

Wind Dragon led the Ultimen on a rampage against both Cadmus and the League after discovering their origin and condition. They were reasoned with by members of the League and stopped their rampage. Long Shadow left with the Justice League with the remaining members returning to Cadmus.

Project Cadmus activated an army of mindless Ultimen clones to assault the Watchtower. JLU "Panic in the Sky"

It is unknown if the sentient Ultimen appearing in JLU "Ultimatum" were able to be saved by Cadmus or the Justice League, in the case of Long Shadow.



JLU "Ultimatum" JLU "Flashpoint" JLU "Panic in the Sky"

Nods To Superfriends

  • The The members of the Ultimen bear strong resemblances to the original characters created for the Superfriends series in the 1970s and 80s.
    • Wind Dragon = Samurai
    • Juice = Black Vulcan
    • Long Shadow = Apache Chief
    • Downpour & Shifter = The Wonder Twins, Zan & Jayna
  • The Ultimen's headquarters resembled the Hall of Justice, headquarters of the Superfriends.