DC Animated Universe
DC Animated Universe

Ferrokinesis is a made-up word (try Googling it) describing the power; if within the show it's stated to mean that one can telekinetically move metal, as Dr. Polaris implies, then any other interpretation is speculation. Queen's power is different than Dr. Polaris' (she can reform the metal, for example) and it is therefore also speculation to assume she has the same power. I'm simply trying to be as accurate as possible. OzzMan 19:02, August 6, 2011 (UTC)

You've got a point, however; we also use cryokinesis and pyrokinesis in their "classic" definition - and ferrokinesis can encompass both Queen's ability to alter metal, and Polaris' power.
In the comics, Polaris is not a ferrokinetic but a magnetokinetic (control over magnetic fields). His powers as shown also are the classic magnetokinesis. I've always felt that his self-identification as a ferrokinetic was an error on the writer's part, but that's moot. --Tupka217 19:14, August 6, 2011 (UTC)
I agree that it's likely a mistake ("ferrokinetic" should mean "ability to affect ferrous [iron-based] metals", not just any metal, in any event) but unless we know for sure, it's conjecture, and this wiki has always taken a pretty strong stance against conjecture. I'm just trying to keep up the standard in place. OzzMan 19:22, August 6, 2011 (UTC)
Now that I think about it, it's easier for the casual reader, he doesn't have to look up neo-Greek words if we just use "control over metal" for Queen. There should probably be a note about this on "I Am Legion"... Production Inconsistencies or Trivia? --Tupka217 19:25, August 6, 2011 (UTC)
For the "ferrous metals" bit? Trivia if ferrokinetic is used in the comics (since then they're just being true to the comics' inconsistency), Production Inconsistencies if not. I don't read many of the DC Comics, so I don't personally know. OzzMan 19:31, August 6, 2011 (UTC)
Who's Who (both the 1985 and 1990 version, issues #6 and #2 resp.) don't use "Magnetokinesis", but make it clear that his powers are magnetic. He can generate magnetic energy within his body. He can repel, attract, or levitate any object made of metal that is susceptible to magnetism. That I know of, neither of the two Doctor Polaris'es, Neal Emerson and John Nichol (the latter debuted after jlu ended) ever showcased ferrokinetic powers. --Tupka217 19:46, August 6, 2011 (UTC)