DC Animated Universe

I'm trying to get alittle info up on all the JL and JLU episode pages. I know these summaries don't make a complete episode page, but hopefully some of you will expand and complete them. If not, then I figure a summary page is better than no page at all.


   "*  This episode raises some questions regarding the people's awareness of Superman's secret identity. 
  1. Hasn't anyone noticed that Clark Kent was absent for Superman's funeral?
  2. Considering that Superman's funeral would be a world-class event, who invited Jonathan and Martha Kent?
        1. And how would they be placed near the front row during the service and in the march to the burial without raising suspicions? 
  3. Considering the first two questions, wouldn't Superman's secret identity be exposed from that point on?"

re: 1.) In a thousand-person funeral, why would anyone notice a mild-mannered reporter missing?

re: 2.) Take a look at a presidential funeral, there'll be plenty of people in attendance who you won't recognize. Same goes for the Kents...

re: 3.) um, no... not even a little bit?

"* Snapper Carr mentions heads of state from over 400 countries attending; even with "in-universe" countries such as Kaznia and Atlantis, the actual number does not even reach 200." As we see, nations from around the galaxy are represented (Orion, from New Genesis, Kilowog, J'onn), it's not even a slight stretch... 07:44, May 17, 2010 (UTC)
