DC Animated Universe

Article Layout

I have been placing "Powers and Abilities" before "History" to mimic the layout of Who's Who in the DC Universe

Article Details

There is some good writing here, but also some things that are a little un-encyclopedic.

Most of this paragraph is a summary of events in Secret Origins that do not directly apply to Hawkgirl and should be edited..

Shayera eventually established herself on Earth and became known to the populace as Hawkgirl. During the Alien Invasion of Earth, Hawkgirl was called to assemble by J'onn J'onnz to formulate a battle-plan to repel the invaders. Hawkgirl was teamed with Superman to take out the Aliens' factories, which propelled smoke into the air to block out the sun. However, they were both captured. J'onn, Wonder Woman, The Flash and Green Lantern attempted to rescue the two but were themselves captured. The six heroes were held for the Alien Invaders leader, The Imperium. After Batman had successfully infiltrated the factory and reveresed the smoke process, the group were able to free themselves and utterly destroy the factory and others around the world.

Transcribing an entire conversation from the show doesn't seem appropriate. The information conveyed by the conversation can and should be summarized. --BoneGnawer 14:48, 9 April 2006 (UTC)

  • The new stuff yesterday was great overall. Some of it was more of a synopsis of Starcrossed, so I've edited it to be more pertinent to Hawkgirl. We do need a Starcrossed synopsis, though. --BoneGnawer 11:58, 12 April 2006 (UTC)
  • This phrase was removed:
although she would not be part trial meetings with the rest of the founding members.
The phrase doesn't make any sense. Please revise and reinclude. --BoneGnawer 15:39, 14 April 2006 (UTC)