DC Animated Universe

Not a Justice Lord

This article should be retitled to something along the lines of Flash (Justice Lord Universe), or otherwise contain language to make clear that the Flash was never a Justice Lord. In this parallel universe, the surviving members of the Justice League became the Justice Lords after, and in response to, Wally's death. --BoneGnawer (talk) 19:21, July 31, 2016 (UTC)

No, they didn't. --Tupka217 19:50, July 31, 2016 (UTC)
Forgive the blunt reply, but I'm not sure how else to respond - Rewatch the episodes. My previous statement is correct. --BoneGnawer (talk) 20:02, July 31, 2016 (UTC)
There's been so much discussion on this topic before. It's never stated that the group went by League originally. They're only ever called Lords. It's never explicitly or even implicitly mentioned they changed their name after the incident. In fact, Lord Batman expresses surprise that the other team is called the "Justice League" rather than the "justice Lords" and that they still have their Flash - not something someone would say if they were called the League before they lost the Flash. Ergo, they weren't. --Tupka217 21:07, July 31, 2016 (UTC)