DC Animated Universe
Deletion log discussion archived here.


A giant hand is visible at the beginning of the universe during the JLU episode "The Once and Future Thing, part II: Time Warped" and is confirmed as being the hand of the Anti-Monitor.

Who confirmed this? --BoneGnawer 02:04, 3 January 2007 (UTC)

I can't find any confirmation online. It is obviously intended to be a reference, if not confirmed. A note: I believe Justice Lord J'onn J'onzz used the term "crisis" and later "infinite earths" in the episode A Better World.--Tim Thomason 03:46, 3 January 2007 (UTC)

Fixed...coulda sworn I saw one of the creators mention it in an interview. No biggy though, maybe I just imagined it. Next I'll be posting an entry for Dr. Manhattan... Mcvmai 09:25, 3 January 2007 (UTC)
