DC Animated Universe

Mutant gang members.

"They think we a gang. They think we just noisy kids. But soon, they see we are the future. We are the law! [...] I myself will kill the fool Batman. I will rip the meat from his bones and suck them dry. Gotham City belongs to the mutants!"
Mutant Leader

The Mutants were a gang established in an anarchic Gotham City led by an individual called the Mutant Leader.


They were many in number and even considered themselves to be rulers of the city. Their only opposition came from Batman and Robin. The gang was ended as soon as Batman invaded their rallying area and bested the Mutant Leader in hand-to-hand. All of this however, was part of a scenario envisioned by Carrie that she was describing to her friends, Nick and Matt and, therefore, the gang may not actually exist as part of the DCAU.


Background information[]

The "Mutants" are based on the incarnation of the character seen in Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns. Much of his dialogue is taken verbatim from the story.


The New Batman Adventures
