DC Animated Universe
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Mordred, the son of the sorceress Morgaine Le Faye. She has kept him as a child for centuries so that he can finally start aging once he inherits the kingdom she has promised him.


The son of Morgaine Le Fey, Mordred is sustained by his mother's magic, leaving him in the form of a child despite he being centuries old. He agreed to this pact because of his mother's promise to secure him Camelot.

In the 21st century, Mordred's patience reached its limit and he betrayed his mother and took the Amulet of First Magic and altered reality, banishing all the adults to an alternate dimension. Soon, Mordred absorbed the amulet's powers and he also exhibited the power to create anything from nothing, animation of objects, size control and binding. Batman managed to trick Mordred into accelerating his own age to an adult, breaking his mother's pact which had kept him eternally young, and effectively leaving him and old and harmless. Mordred is now a powerless, extremely elderly immortal, remaining in the care of his doting mother.


Justice League

  • "A Knight in Shadows"

Justice League Unlimited
