DC Animated Universe

Kryptonians were the dominant species of the planet Krypton.


In appearance, Kryptonians were virtually identical to human beings. Physiologically, they were vastly different. Under the influence of a yellow sun like Earth's, Kryptonians would gain almost unimaginable superpowers: flight, superhuman strength and speed, invulnerability to almost any physical harm, enhanced senses, heat vision, super breath, and freezing breath while under the red sun like Krypton, they have normal human abilities.

Super-powered Kryptonians were, however, particularly vulnerable to the radioactive remains of Krypton itself—kryptonite.

Only a handful of Kryptonians survived the planet's destruction—Superman, and the convicted criminals Mala and Jax-Ur. Supergirl is the last surviving member of the related Argoan species.


Superman: The Animated Series

Batman Beyond

Static Shock

Justice League

Justice League Unlimited

