DC Animated Universe
Poison Oaky Hey, aren't you that plant lady, Poison Oaky?

The title of this article is conjectural.
This subject has no canonical name in the DCAU. Please see the reasons in the section below.

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Hellhound was a villain who took part in the Meta-Brawl.


When Roulette's Meta-Brawl hit rock bottom in Blüdhaven, Hellhound was one of her last fighters. His match with Shatterfist was considered boring by the majority of the small crowd.

Background information[]

The depicted subject bears the likeness of Hellhound from the DC Comics; however, the DCAU item was never named on-screen, or otherwise. The title of this article is conjecture based on the item's likeness. Kai is the Hellhound, a martial arts student who learned from the same master as Catwoman.


Justice League Unlimited
