DC Animated Universe

Template:Villain Grodd, also known as Gorilla Grodd, is a hyper-intelligent ape native from Gorilla City. Though most famous for being an enemy of the Flash, Grodd became a greater threat to the entire Justice League by forming the modern Secret Society (the JLU version of the Legion of Doom.)

Grodd's was overthrown as leader of the Society by Lex Luthor and was later blown out of an airlock in deep space after failing to regain his position. It is probable that Grodd was killed, but on his way out of the airlock Grodd swore to Luthor that he would find a way to survive and take his revenge. Grodd's remains have never been found.


As a gorilla, Grodd possessed strength and stamina much greater than that of even the strongest normal human being. In addition, he possessed a hyper-developed brain, and was one of the most intelligent beings on Earth. His advanced brain developed incredible mental powers, most notably mind control and telepathy. With these abilities he could manipulate a person's movements or simply terrorize them into helplessness.


Justice League

Justice League Unlimited
