DC Animated Universe
Poison Oaky Hey, aren't you that plant lady, Poison Oaky?

The title of this article is conjectural.
This subject has no canonical name in the DCAU. Please see the reasons in the section below.

Eclipso, A.K.A. "Sarge," was under the spell of the crystal created by the Ophidians to destroy the Human race.

Background Information

The depicted subject bears the likeness of General McCormick from the DC Comics; however, the DCAU character was never named on-screen, or otherwise. The title of this article is conjecture based on the character's likeness. Although Eclipso's real name was never given in the episode, his real name was given as Bruce Gordon in the comic books. Moreover, in the comics, Bruce Gordon was not a "Sarge," he was a scientist. It's unknown if his real name is actually supposed to be Bruce Gordon in this continuity.


Justice League

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