DC Animated Universe
Note: This thread has been unedited for 3674 days. It is considered archived — the discussion is over. Do not edit this thread unless it really needs a response.

Hey everyone, I just have a couple of questions about TNBA. The first is a canon question which is how many years later is TNBA set after B:TAS? Most people seem to assume it was two years because the shows were produced two years apart, but I seem to remember reading somewhere that it was five years?

My other question is more of a personal one, which is: do most of the users here consider TNBA part of B:TAS? I definitely see the connection because of all the voice actors, writers, and producers who worked on both shows. Yet at the same time many important people also left between the shows(Eric Radomski, Kevin Altieri, Michael Reaves, etc.) and of course a big difference in character design, tone, and just the types of stories. I personally consider it a spin-off, but I was just wondering what some of the users on this site might think.

-- VseslavBotkin (talk) 08:07, March 29, 2014 (UTC)
