DC Animated Universe
Note: This thread has been unedited for 4376 days. It is considered archived — the discussion is over. Do not edit this thread unless it really needs a response.

Hope no one minds, but I made a fix to {{forumheader}} so that it ignores the pages Forum:DCAU Wiki Discussion and Forum:DC Animated Universe Discussion. This way, it won't automatically archive your two main indices, which makes it appear that all discussion on the wiki has been suspended. If you actually intended to give the impression that your forums were closed, I apologise for tinkering. — CzechOut 18:36, April 17, 2012 (UTC)

You also had errors in your <inputbox> coding at Forum:DCAU Wiki Discussion and Forum:DC Animated Universe Discussion which was preventing new threads from going into the right namespace. New threads were ending up in main article space, rather than the forum namespace. I switched this over to #tag syntax and things seem to be working better now. Threads which had slipped through the cracks have also been moved back to forum space. — CzechOut 19:12, April 17, 2012 (UTC)
I suppose I should explain that a little better to those who are more technically minded. It wasn't exactly that you had done anything wrong with inputbox. Rather, there are two somewhat competing extensions that allow you to create input boxes on Wikia wikis. One of them is called inputbox and the other is createbox. Of the two, createbox is considered by far the more stable and up-to-date. So I switched you to createbox. Something has happened to inputbox — apparently between March and April of this year, if your new thread list is to be trusted. Everything was working fine in March, but none of the April-created threads have been put to the right namespace.
So, I switched you to createbox and everything snapped back into place. — CzechOut 19:20, April 17, 2012 (UTC)
Well, thanks for all of this too. :) ― Thailog 20:06, April 17, 2012 (UTC)