DC Animated Universe

"The Gardener's Apprentice" is the tenth episode of Season One of Gotham Girls.


The Gardener's Apprentice Blood

Harley Quinn was sidelined by an accident from the Mimmitia.

The Gardener's Apprentice Vial of weedkiller

Harley Quinn succeeded with the vial of weedkiller killer that puts Mimmitia out of harm's way.

Ivy's house, 1:43 PM. Harley Quinn arrives to find that Poison Ivy has gone, and left a note telling her to water her plants, but not to water, touch, or "even look at" the Mimmitia. Harley accidentally pricks herself on it, anyway, and her blood produces a miniature Harley-Pod, which immediately jumps off and bites her ankle. She flings it against a wall, where it breaks into two pod-Harleys. As she continues to fight it, they continue to multiply, until after trying to get rid of them in the garbage disposal, she faces an army of tiny green Harleys. She finally threatens them with a vial of weedkiller, forcing them to choose between "the hard way...or the easy way".

Poison Ivy returns to find Harley and hundreds of little green Harley clones sitting on the sofa and watching cartoons. Ivy declares that she doesn't want to know and walks right back out.

Interactive Segment[]

In a "bonus scene" at the end, the viewer can feed the Harley-Pods a piece of ham, a fish, or broccoli, producing a bone, a fish skeleton, or a comical Harley-shaped piece of vegetable, respectively.

Background information[]


  • The title refers to a famous animated short from the Disney movies Fantasia and Fantasia 2000, The Sorcerer's Apprentice which featured Mickey Mouse.


Actor Role
Arleen Sorkin Harley Quinn
Diane Pershing Poison Ivy