DC Animated Universe
Batman rogue

"Check your shoes for what the cow left and check your money. Two solid rules."

Farmer Brown was a microbiologist turned super-villain.


Farmer Brown was a microbiologist who had developed a way to cause massive growth in animals, which he tried to market as a way to end world hunger. However, during a public exhibition of a giant sheep, the sheep grew irritated and escaped from its cage and attacked the crowd. Though the sheep was subdued and captured easily enough, Farmer Brown was ordered by the courts to cease all experiments and remove all his already existing giant animals from Gotham. Farmer Brown protested saying that to do so would be to ruin him but the judge simply told him he "should have thought of that before creating these monsters!" Disgruntled, Farmer Brown decided to show them real monsters created by his technique.

Some time later, Farmer Brown released a swarm of giant preying mantises out onto the streets of Gotham. Batman was instantly on the scene but the mantises were too much even for him and only died because they had been genetically engineered to die after a short time so that they could show what he was capable of. Afterwards, Farmer Brown released a number of grotesquely mutated farm animals including a bull and a cow, and a flock of mutated chickens. Though Batman, Robin and Batgirl managed to stop the animals Farmer Brown had made his point and demanded fifty million dollars or he'd release his mutated insects again, this time leaving them without the genetic defect.

Commissioner Gordon seemed to comply and had Harvey Bullock take in the money but when Harvey had been discovered to have followed Brown's daughter, Emmylou, to his "farm" and the money had been fake, he decided to release the bugs. Bullock was thrown to a giant mutated pig, and Farmer Brown and Emmylou faced of against the heroes. Though Bullock was saved, Emmylou had been granted superhuman strength from using beef steroids and managed to beat Robin and Batgirl. Brown himself fought Batman with an electrified pitchfork but only succeeded in subduing him by using Robin and Batgirl as ransom. With the bat family defeated, Farmer Brown put them into a rocket along with several giant bug cocoons and sent them flying towards Gotham. However, Batman managed to escape, release his sidekicks and destroy the rocket along with the bugs before it reached the city. Farmer Brown and Emmylou were then taken into police custody and are most likely still in jail.


The New Batman Adventures
