DC Animated Universe

"You think my face looks bad? Wait till I'm done with yours."

Falseface was an agent for hire able of changing identity by manually molding his face.


Falseface was hired by Kobra to smuggle a deadly super virus to Gotham City. He concealed the glass container in Nelson Nash's bags at Saint Denis, where the virus was developed. When Nelson arrived at Gotham, Falseface was posing as a Customs officer and confiscated the vial, then he delivered it to Kobra One.


Falseface's standard face.

Then, he broke in Gotham Plastics and opened the gates for Kobra. Falseface then learned that Kobra was going to coat the virus in millions of cred cards, so as to achieve mass contamination. Little did Falseface know he had been secretly infected with the virus at some point, as Kobra's contingency plan in case things went awry. When Batman and Stalker raided the factory, Falseface made a run for it, but not before being pelted with one of Stalker's phosphorus grenades.


Falseface succumbs to Kobra's virus.

Falseface fled, but the grenade had made him highly noticeable to Stalker, who managed to track him down shortly after. Unconvinced of Stalker's warning, Falseface stunned him and ran away. Falseface assumed the appearance of Nelson Nash, in an attempt to mingle with the crowd, but he was unaware that this identity was very conspicuous to Batman. With a firm slug, Falseface was disfigured. He took on the Batman, shocking him with his taser, and the two dove off a couple of stories into a laundry room. Falseface set the place ablaze and walloped Batman with a stick. Batman turned the tables on him, but the building quickly started to crumple.

As Batman found himself trapped under the rubble, Falseface drew closer to deliver the final blow. However, the virus started to take its toll, and Falseface was overwhelmed with excruciating pain. Realizing he had been betrayed and used by Kobra, Falseface made a run for it. He did not make it far though, as he succumbed outside the building, where he was found by his pursuers.

Powers and abilities

Falseface didn't possess any special power, but he had the ability to change his face at will, much like Matt Hagen did with the Renuyu cream. The origin of this ability is, however, unknown, but it is highly likely that Falseface gained his face-molding ability from a more perfected version of the substance that created Clayface.


Batman Beyond
