Elaine Grasso was Donny Grasso's mother.
Elaine was considerably more caring about Donny than her husband Don, who did nothing but abuse his family and treat them with disdain. She knew that the source of Donny's bad life was the lack of love from his father and tried her best to heal her son's mental wounds, but by this time, her husband had effectively become her master, and always ordered her to keep out. Donny finally ran away from home, and Elaine was obviously upset about this, in stark contrast to her abusive husband, who was actually happy their son was gone. When Terry McGinnis and Maxine Gibson went to the Grasso home to inquire about Donny, Elaine offered to help them find him, but Don came into the room and angrily ordered Elaine to go back into the kitchen. He then harshly told Terry and Max to remind Donny not to return if they saw him.