DC Animated Universe

Original Airdate; 6/4/2005



Other characters that appear in this episode


At a manor, two bodyguards argue cooking recipes but hear someone trying to sneak in. The intruder takes them both out with a combination of martial arts and a crossbow, then breaks into the manor, bypassing laser eye-beams. The intruder, a woman in costume, confronts the owner, crime lord Steven Mandragora, in his bedroom and shoots him. But the figure in the bed is simply pillows and J’onn beams her up to the Watchtower, warning her she’s violating his direct orders to stay away.

The Huntress realizes J’onn had Mandragora moved, and then he kicks her out of the League. She overhears the Question in the next room, pondering the Cadmus conspiracy, and goes to visit him. She offer him information on Cadmus in return for his finding Mandragora. Green Arrow and Black Canary are protecting Mandragora and federal agent Faraday is demanding information in return for protection from prosecution. Mandragora is less then forthcoming. The Question and Huntress rendezvous while Mandragora continues to taunt the Leaguers. They get placed on guard outside and notice police arrive, along with the Question and Huntress. The policemen are Mandragora’s goons, and Mandragora knocks out Faraday and his men.

Outside, the four heroes brawl and Question and Huntress go down, but they notice Mandragora has escaped. They go inside and the Question finds a storage key and Green Arrow and Black Canary go off, telling the other two to stay there. The Question reveals he kept the real clue, a shipping schedule, but Green Arrow catches on and they follow. The Question reveals he knows Huntress knows nothing about Cadmus and how the Huntress’ father was a crime lord who Mandragora had killed. A chase ensues when the Question spots their followers – Green Arrow and Canary have to teleport out to avoid an oncoming train.

The Question and Huntress move in on the freighter, which Mandragora is planning to meet. Green Arrow and Black Canary move in first but Mandragora is a trained fighter and he sends Question, Green Arrow, and Black Canary flying. Black Canary tries to take him down with her sonic cry but he’s able to outlast her until she drops. Huntress shows up and prepares to kill him but it turns out Mandragora’s son Edgar is aboard the freighter. Mandragora reveals his son was kidnapped and he’s finally engineered his freedom. The Huntress can’t bring herself to do it and simply drops a crate on him, which Mandragora survives.

The Question concludes Mandragora had no intention of cooperating with the authorities and that he knew the kid was on the freighter all the time. He admits he likes the Huntress and they share a kiss of sorts.


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