DC Animated Universe
Poison Oaky Hey, aren't you that plant lady, Poison Oaky?

The title of this article is conjectural.
This subject has no canonical name in the DCAU. Please see the reasons in the section below.

FlashR logo

Doctor Alchemy was one of the villains hanging out in a Central City bar. He was drinking a pint by the counter, laughing with the Thinker at something. When Batman, Orion and the Flash entered the bar, he made a run for it.

Background information[]

  • The depicted subject bears the likeness of Doctor Alchemy from the DC Comics; however, the DCAU character was never named on-screen, or otherwise. The title of this article is conjecture based on the character's likeness.
  • In the comics, Doctor Alchemy was Albert Desmond, who, after his initial defeat as Mr. Element, gained the ability to transmute elements after exposure to the Philosopher's Stone. During a short retirement, his twin brother Alvin Desmond briefly took the Doctor Alchemy mantle.


Justice League Unlimited
