DC Animated Universe
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"Breaking news... and if you break it, you have to pay for it."
— The Creeper

The Creeper, real name Jack Ryder, was formerly a news anchorman before his confrontation with The Joker, and now is a superhero and member of the Justice League.


Jack Ryder was co-anchor of Summer Gleeson's "Gotham Insider." When Jack did an expose on The Joker, he showed up and threw Ryder into the same vat of chemicals that transformed him.

The chemicals, mixed with the Joker's laughing gas, triggered a mutation in Ryder. As a result, Ryder's body became bright yellow with green hair with dramatically enhanced strength and agility. While interrogating The Joker's henchmen, one of the goons spoke out against him, and called him a "creep" which inspired him to call himself "The Creeper." While Ryder was still honest enough to pay for his new costume, his use of his credit card alerted Batman to the wildman's real identity. Seeking revenge against The Joker and suddenly smitten with Harley Quinn, he pursued them relentlessly with terrifyingly wild enthusiasm. While The Creeper did not kill the criminals, his methods were so frenetically deranged that the Joker eventually begged to be arrested to escape them.

The transformation was permanent, but Batman was able to create a skin patch to keep the Creeper subdued. Ryder, who actually finds the Creeper form to his liking, can remove the patch and transform into the Creeper.

Powers & Abilities

The Creeper had enhanced strength, agility and senses. He could take down Batman and Joker's thugs easily. His sense were increased as well. He could sense Joker's thugs coming at him and Batman as well. He was very durable too, as seen when Harley dropped a statue on him.


The New Batman Adventures

Justice League Unlimited

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