"Consequences" is the ninth episode of the third season of Static Shock. It originally aired on April 5, 2003.
While patrolling, Static is noticed and cheered by some civilians. He starts showing off, but accidentally crashes into a patrolling Rubberband Man, who complains about his showboating. The argument is interrupted by Shiv robbing a store. Static defeats Shiv while showing off again, but Rubberband Man is still angry at the former's lack of awareness of his actions. In a pool hall, Puff is annoyed to see the news report of Static's victory and speaks with Dante, a low-level street informant, about pulling of a robbery alongside Onyx.
Virgil's arrogance continues even out of costume, irritating his friends and family. While going to the movies with Daisy, Virgil is chewed out about his recent attitude. Virgil sees Onyx sneaking around and slips away from Daisy to investigate. When Puff and Onyx try to rob the theater, Static confronts them but when he begins showing off again Puff tries to attack Static with acid gas darts while he's distracted and the latter deflects them, accidentally causing part of the roof to around Daisy. When Daisy tries to run, she trips on some debris and takes a hard fall. Puff and Onyx flee while Static takes the unconscious Daisy to the hospital.
Later, Virgil visits Daisy, who shows no signs of waking up anytime soon, in the hospital with her parents. Virgil apologizes for what happened to Daisy, but Daisy's mother tries to comfort him by telling him it wasn't his fault, not knowing how wrong she is. Richie finds Virgil taking out his frustrations at the junk heap with his powers. He tries to warn Virgil that he could risk exposing his identity if he keeps using his powers out of costume, but Virgil doesn't want to hear it. At dinner with Trina and Adam, Virgil is still depressed about Daisy and overhears Trina mentioning that Puff and Onyx have been tracked to the pool hall, only for them to be long gone. Adam offers to help, but Trina warns him not to pull a vigilante stunt, not knowing Virgil has snuck out. Static attacks the pool hall and demands Puff and Onyx's location. When the thugs refuse to cooperate, Static shows no mercy and trashes them. Before he can seriously hurt Dante, Rubberband Man stops him and tries to talk some sense into him. Static defends himself that he is trying to find the people who hurt Daisy, but Rubberband Man points out that it was Static's showboating that got her hurt and he is just as much to blame. Unable to argue, Static cools down and admits Rubberband Man is right.
A frightened Dante, reports to Puff and Onyx about Static's rampage. Puff decides to use Static's anger to throw him off and take him out. Virgil visits the still comatose Daisy and admits to her that the reason he showed off was because he couldn't tell anyone he was Static and he wanted to impress her, but that caused him to ignore her safety. Virgil reconciles with Richie, who helps lifts his spirits. Puff goes on her rampage and Virgil realizes her plan to lure him out. Static follows Puff into a condemned building and Puff and Onyx trap him inside and collapse the building. However, Static survives by forming a bunker of steel pipes. When the battle threatens to harm bystanders, Static protects them and teams up with Rubberband Man to catch them. Daisy finally wakes up and Virgil gives her a get-well message as Static.
- Puff alludes to her foiled attempt to be a bounty hunter in "Bent Out of Shape".
- Trina Jessup reappears. She was last seen in "Pop's Girlfriend".
Background information[]
Home video releases[]
Production notes[]

Boxed Toy prop sheet by Mark Lewis.
- The production crew on this episode attempted to sneak in a cameo of Milestone Media superhero Icon as an action figure but were told that they weren't allowed to. Instead, the figure (designed by Mark Lewis) ended up as a generic robot instead.[1]
- This episode was produced for season two, but not aired until season three. This is why Static dons his original uniform, why Richie does not appear as Gear, and why Daisy has her old look.
- When Puff blows up the TV set at the bar, the ensuing explosion is reused footage from the scene of the Superman: The Animated Series episode "My Girl," in which Mr. Eelan blows a vat of hot lead off its support.
Production inconsistencies[]
- When Daisy stumbled, her chest took the impact and there was no rubble at her feet. However, in the next scene when she's unconscious, there's a block of granite nearby.
- When Mrs. Watkins was first featured in "Tantrum," she spoke with a heavy West Indian accent. However, there's no sign of the accent in this episode.
- One of the posters at the Dakota Multiplex advertises the movie "Giant Iron", a parody of the Warner Bros. animated film The Iron Giant.
- This is the only episode in which Shiv acts outside of a group.