DC Animated Universe
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Circe was a divine sorceress. She was banished to Tartarus by Hippolyta, for transforming innocent people into animals.


Circe spent some time in the Pit of Eternal Torment with Medusa, in whom she confided her hatred for Hippolyta. She was given an early parole, should she promise to leave Hippolyta alone.

When she was breaking into the Natural History Museum, Circe was intercepted by Batman and Wonder Woman. She took this opportunity to get back at the Amazon Queen by getting to her daughter and transformed Wonder Woman into a pig.

Circe always had the ambition to become a renowned singer, which hailed from jealousy of her cousins, the Sirens. So, she went to perform at the Amphitheater in Greece. There, Circe was confronted by Batman and Zatanna, but her superior mystical abilities could easily outmatch them. When Batman proposed a deal for her to lift the spell from Wonder Woman, she asked for his dignity, so he would have to sing for an audience.

Circe was tearfully moved by Batman's performance and lived up to her part of the deal, restoring Wonder Woman to her true form.

Powers and Abilities

As a mythological sorceress made infamous by her role in The Odyssey, Circe possessed incredible magical powers, such as hypnotic charisma and flight. Examples of her abilities include:

  • Animal Transformation: As confirmed by The Odyssey and Wonder Woman, Circe had the power to transform innocent people and those who crossed her into whatever animals she desired them to become and restore them into normal.
  • Cloaking: Circe had the power to conceal her presence, preventing others from discovering her location.


Justice League Unlimited

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