DC Animated Universe
DC Animated Universe
Poison Oaky Hey, aren't you that plant lady, Poison Oaky?

The title of this article is conjectural.
This subject has no canonical name in the DCAU. Please see the reasons in the section below.

Black Racer was a soldier of New Genesis.


When Darkseid invaded Earth for the first time, Black Racer was part of the New Genesis force under Orion that challenged the dread lord of Apokolips. Darkseid withdrew to avoid violating the peace between himself and Highfather.[1]

Black Racer's appearance was later turned into a costume by an attendee of Harv Hickman's Halloween party.[2]

Background information[]

  • The depicted subject bears the likeness of Black Racer from the DC Comics; however, the DCAU character was never named on-screen, or otherwise. The title of this article is conjecture based on the character's likeness.
  • In the DC comics, Black Racer is the Angel of Death of the New Gods, sent by the Source when a New God dies. The Black Racer's corporeal form is the comatose body of Vietnam War veteran Willie Walker, who wished to die after being crippled.


Superman: The Animated Series

Justice League

External links[]


  1. Fogel, Rich (writer) & Riba, Dan (director) (February 14, 1998). "Apokolips... Now!, Part II". Superman: The Animated Series. Season 2. Episode 26 (airdate). Episode 35 (production). Kids WB!.
  2. Damron, Keith (writer) & Lukic, Butch (director) (September 20, 2002). "A Knight of Shadows, Part I". Justice League. Season 1. Episode 20 (airdate). Episode 20 (production). Cartoon Network.
